Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hilary, Shake your Money Maker

Apparently, Hilary Clintons' got money in the bank- Over $35 to be exact. She is leading not only over Obama and her fellow Democrats, but is surpassing the Republican party as well. It was also reported that Clinton actually had over $50 million, but 15 million of that fundraising could not be used in the primaries. This amount of money gives great evidence to what many Americans have been thinking- Hilary is quite popular. Which brings me to think, will Hilary Clinton be our next president? At the beginning of this race, I found it quite unlikely, considering that white male has been the trend for a while now.

Some stats for the moment are: McCain- 1.6 mil, Giuliani- 13 mil, Thompson- 5.4 mil.

Interestingly enough, Thompson made a chunk of money in a very short amount of time, considering that he just recently “officially” entered the race. What does this show about America? We like names. We like to hear things about people, we like people to be well known. Which conveniently brings my blog back to Clinton- Before we jump to any conclusions about Hilary in Office, we need to think, is the American public expressing a trend influenced by other’s options? Is Hilary Clinton just a name that rolls off the tongue nicely? Are we just used to saying “President Clinton”? How many Americans actually know Hilary's policies and realize that they differ greatly from her husbands? Maybe the founding father’s choice in an Electoral College and many other aspects of our government were made just for this election.


clairebearrrrrrr said...

First of all cute title.
i dont know why but i read alot of articles about Clinton and its no surprise that she is leading the campaign. Hilary is popular, and i dont doubt that she could possibly be our next president. I think though, alot of people are basing whether or not to vote for her in the hands of her sex--Women want her to win, because it would be a huge step for our sex. I really think she could pull through, but then again this country is so used to the archetypal president, white male that people could be scared our of boting for her. Hmmmm very interestin post cassssssieeee

LESPINA said...

right now it does seam plausible to say that Hilary will be our next president. it would be great to break the trend of white males and finally see a woman in the office. however, it is still extremely early in the election process. no one can say what will happen between now and a year from now. your idea that we light the sound of "president Clinton" is funny but in a wierd/true way. like gwaltney says, it is almost like bill and hilary are the same person. bill clinton was a great president and i woudlnt protest to having a woman, much like him, head our country. very nice use of rhetorical questions.