Friday, November 23, 2007

IDAHO: HIlary.. YOUDAHO! oh no wait... Iowa... whatever same thing

As Iowa draws near, the Democrats seem to be flocking to bask in it's voting-ness. Apparently, this is a major thing- especially for my favorite girlfriend Hilary! Even though Hilary is pretty strong in other states, Obama and Edwards seem to be suspiciously hopeful for a “non-Hilary” turnout in the caucuses. It’s interesting, that these Democrats seem to be putting 100% of their effort into this primary and have dropped most of their everyday campaigns to focus all their attention on this. Fox News reports Hilary’s plan of attack:

“First she must get past Iowa, which she has called her "toughest state." A loss there could make her look vulnerable and create a competitive race for the 2,104 delegates needed to secure the nomination at next year's convention, Aug. 25-28 in Denver.”

The anticipation is killing me! Let’s see how the states stack up:

“State polls show a tight race among Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards with the rest of the field lagging behind. But polling is notoriously difficult among potential caucus participants, making the true state of play very difficult to gauge.”
Well there you have it. Can’t wait to see who wins!

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