Thursday, November 29, 2007

Next week on Oprah: "Roadtrip!!"

Oprah Hit’s the Road! Obama’s number one fan is joining Obama on the campaign road. Oprah was able to score herself a ticket to the primary and see the action stir up! Who’s going to win these caucuses? Tough call, but Oprah is going to do whatever she can with her star power to make sure it is Obama. Although that was mildly over exaggerated, doesn’t this bring up an issue? Yes, people like Bill Clinton (an amazing speaker who could get anyone to do anything ;) ) are coming to support others and give speeches, but isn’t Oprah a pop idol? Not necessarily an established political figure? Doesn’t this bias people who may not be well… as intelligent (considering that they are even home during the time you can watch Oprah). I feel this is an unfair advantage to have someone with the kind of power that Oprah has, taking one candidate’s side. Although she has the perfect right to, it is inappropriate and inconsiderate on her part because it unfairly biases the country on a whole. I suppose there is no way to see the long term effects of her campaigning, but only time will tell. Maybe this roadtrip will give her an an oppertunity to give away stuff to poor people.

Friday, November 23, 2007

IDAHO: HIlary.. YOUDAHO! oh no wait... Iowa... whatever same thing

As Iowa draws near, the Democrats seem to be flocking to bask in it's voting-ness. Apparently, this is a major thing- especially for my favorite girlfriend Hilary! Even though Hilary is pretty strong in other states, Obama and Edwards seem to be suspiciously hopeful for a “non-Hilary” turnout in the caucuses. It’s interesting, that these Democrats seem to be putting 100% of their effort into this primary and have dropped most of their everyday campaigns to focus all their attention on this. Fox News reports Hilary’s plan of attack:

“First she must get past Iowa, which she has called her "toughest state." A loss there could make her look vulnerable and create a competitive race for the 2,104 delegates needed to secure the nomination at next year's convention, Aug. 25-28 in Denver.”

The anticipation is killing me! Let’s see how the states stack up:

“State polls show a tight race among Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards with the rest of the field lagging behind. But polling is notoriously difficult among potential caucus participants, making the true state of play very difficult to gauge.”
Well there you have it. Can’t wait to see who wins!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Obama is a Ladies Man, Hilary is just... a Man

It seems Obama is having no trouble with the ladies- well, except for Hilary Clinton whose sex is still debatable. Recently Obama met with Women who are mothers and working at least one job. He wanted to hear how they felt about their jobs and the answers were synonymous- these women are very overwhelmed. I found it refreshing to see a candidate reaching out to a lesser known group of hard working Americans. Whether it is because they are polite and quiet about their digressions, or it is just conveniently overlooked, working mothers seemed to get the blunt of things. Although I feel very sympathetic for these women, I am not sure how Obama could necessarily reach out specifically to this group of people. Should male single parents not receive any compensation or help? Or not even be interviewed for a news report on their feelings? Obama decided the best route to go with this was that the aid would be directed towards “families.” Fox News Reported:

“Obama said helping parents juggle family and work when their children are young
will pay off in increased productivity in the long run.
‘It's very similar to
the mistake we make with Health Care in this country, where we don't provide
people with health care up front, so people put off basic prevention and we end
up seeing them in the emergency room where we pay twice as much,’ he said.”

Although I am touched by this sad story and the loving, sensitive side that Obama has for women, I cannot help but wonder, where is this money going to come from? Obama may have scored points with the poor but it’s not doing much for me. The only thing I can admire in Obama is that he’s a hottie and he’s somewhat sincere. At least he doesn’t plant questions like Hilary. Oh well, hopefully everyone will be so tired of hearing about Hilary when election time comes around they will vote for ANYONE but her.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Chitty Chitty Gang Bang

A 20-year-old single mother has accused Dominique Gindraw of rape. This young woman, attempting any job that would pay her enough to feed her child, was held at gunpoint and forced to have sex with four men. This is one of the most demeaning and violent events that a woman can endure that affect her on so many more levels than just physically. The charge against this man has been decided by the Judge to be "theft of services" rather than rape. Since when did women become property again? Theft of Services- SERIOUSLY? Alright, well maybe I left out the part that she got this job off of Craig’s list and is technically a prostitute. But really, she thought she was just innocently going to go to this guy's house and get a $15o dollar to have sex. Then he didn't have the money so he was like "oh my friends going to come over" and she’s like oh okay and then he's like I'll give you 100 more if you do stuff for him and It was all in good fun. But little did she know that not just one friend was coming over, but three, locked and loaded. She was then held at gunpoint and forced to have sex with four men at the same time. So, excluding all of those other points I made, what does this say about our judicial system? How can this female judge say that this case is shameful in light of “real” rape cases? That just doesn’t sound right to me. Yeah, she shouldn’t have been prostituting herself over Craig’s list, but maybe if the education system had been better she would have learned to have safe sex, not had a child, finished Highschool, and then wouldn’t be one of the statistics using our welfare. Obviously welfare was not helping her survive, so maybe more time and money should be spent improving the education system so people do not end up in situations needing welfare.