Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Look Really Tan In My New Myspace Default

Representative Charles Rangel has proposed that there will be tax reductions for the “middle class” that will be re-directed to those with more money. Fox news reported:

“The House's top Democratic tax writer outlined a $1 trillion plan Thursday to eliminate the alternative minimum tax and ease the tax burdens of most people by asking the rich and some companies to pay more. We have attempted to restore equity and fairness to the system," said Rep. Charles Rangel, chairman of the House ways and means Committee. He said his plan would mean net tax cuts to almost all families with incomes under $500,000.”

As someone who holds conservative views when approaching economic issues, I fail to see the advantage of this proposal. Tax reductions should serve their purpose- the reduction of taxes. Redirecting them is still giving more money to the government. The issue at hand here is not really who is being taxed but that no one should be taxed at all. The more money given to the government, the more opportunities they have to create programs, foreign affairs, and other unnecessary expenses. The less taxes, the less the government becomes involved. I think that people should not expect so much from their government. I for one would much rather not pay taxes, and expect absolutely nothing from my government. My own motivation and hard work will serve me as best it can, and I will make a name for myself. If I fail to achieve this “American Dream” and are not able to strike it rich, then I will NOT blame the government or my circumstances. I will blame myself. Now, some people may be bitter with those who inherit money and are considered “trust-fund babies”, but somewhere up in their family tree SOMEONE had to have made some good decisions and made money. That’s what it’s all about. Eventually, someone will make enough money that they can pass it down their family, until someone incompetent will spend it all, go into debt, and start the cycle once again. This is the natural course of finances and requires no aid from the government. The only thing that taxing “the rich” will accomplish is allowing them to make less income which is technically obstructing the American Dream.

1 comment:

Lauren Amos said...

First of all my dear,
nice title. You are rediculous.

To your blog:
I agree, why should people be punished more because they are successful? They can't help they are more amazing than others [kiddingggg]. Taxes are taxes, and by lessening is for one set of people does not make the situation any more acceptable.

tired. its long enough.
love you...and dont throw your half full energy drink away tomorrow!!!!!!!!!